Two Ways To Recover Your Saves



Step 1: Load Game

To begin, launch The Sims 4 and select the Load Game option from the right side of the screen. It's the third option down, located right below the Play Scenario button.

Step 2: Locate Your Save

A pop-up box will appear, displaying all your saved games sorted by their date and time. Choose the save file you wish to recover by clicking on it.

Step 3: Initiate Recovery

Upon selecting the desired save, two buttons will appear: one displaying the file name and another resembling a floppy disk. Click on the floppy disk button to initiate the recovery process.

Step 4: Confirm Recovery

A new window will appear, presenting the last five save files for that particular game file. Choose the desired save based on its date/time and order. Then, click on the Recover button. You may also choose to delete a backup if needed.

Step 5: Finalize Recovery

Confirm your decision to recover the save by clicking on the checkmark in the pop-up window. Your original save remains untouched during this process. This action signifies the creation of a new recovered save from the original data.

Step 6: Load Recovered Save

The recovered save will now appear as the first option in your load game menu. The original save will be labeled with [recovered]. Remember to rename the recovered save to differentiate it from the original.

Following these steps will enable you to recover a save file whenever an unexpected event occurs in your game.


1) Locate your saved files:

Go to Documents > Electronic Arts > Sims 4 > Saves.

You'll see a bunch of files named things like or Each number has up to six versions.

The one ending in .save is the main version of that save point. This is the one the game will load if you continue from where you left off or pick an older save point from the main menu.

How to Restore Your Save:

First, figure out which save point you want to use. Decide if you want to go back to the latest game you've been playing or a few days ago.

Check the date and time info on your files to help you choose.

Once you've matched up your in-game save points with the files, close the game. Never mess with game files while the game is running!

Move or rename the main version of the save file to keep it safe.

Pick the new save file you want to use. They'll all have file extensions marking them as older versions of that save point.

To go back just a little bit, choose the file with .save.ver0. To go back the farthest, pick the one with .save.ver4.

Make the file you chose the new main save point. Right-click on it, choose Rename, delete everything after .save, then hit Enter.

For example: should become

Open The Sims 4 again and select Load Game. Pick the save point you want, and the game will load the file you renamed as the main one for that save point.

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